Sunday, November 2, 2008

Smoke em' if you got em'

The pics below were taken at the Hartsburg Pumpkin fest, 2008

This is a fine example of the "I'll smoke at any costs" smoker. She is on oxygen, but that doesn't stop her from lighting up with her gnarled old hands. She even keeps the O2 flowing, leaving her tubes stuck in her nose

The mound of flesh in the 2 pics above did smoke, I just didn't get her in the act. But I thought you would like to see what too many soft drinks can do to that girlish figure...

This is one of my favorites. Usually a creature of the night, this plump, pasty white vampire smoker has made a rare daytime appearance. I couldn't resist the allure of this photo and the tantalizing peek of a fleshy belly overhang she is offering.