Sunday, November 2, 2008

Smoke em' if you got em'

The pics below were taken at the Hartsburg Pumpkin fest, 2008

This is a fine example of the "I'll smoke at any costs" smoker. She is on oxygen, but that doesn't stop her from lighting up with her gnarled old hands. She even keeps the O2 flowing, leaving her tubes stuck in her nose

The mound of flesh in the 2 pics above did smoke, I just didn't get her in the act. But I thought you would like to see what too many soft drinks can do to that girlish figure...

This is one of my favorites. Usually a creature of the night, this plump, pasty white vampire smoker has made a rare daytime appearance. I couldn't resist the allure of this photo and the tantalizing peek of a fleshy belly overhang she is offering.

Friday, February 23, 2007

the District

Despite my illness, Alicia, Dillon and I decided to get out of the house for some fresh air and go downtown this afternoon. I took the trusty camera. Here is what I found:

Above is a fine example of the "shopping smoker". Too busy smoking, he has to look in the window of Slackers longingly since he can't take his cigarette inside.

This is the "lunch break" smoker. Obviously he works in the food industry, hopefully he will wash his hands before preparing food.

These are my favorites. These are "homeless" smokers. Asking for money while they are smoking. Cigarettes are not cheap, but hey, I wouldn't use money to buy food. Just smokes and booze. Also, the guy in the leather jacket sounds quite a bit like Billy Bob Thornton in "Sling Blade".

I don't know whether these people don't know or just don't care (prolly the latter) , but it is illegal to smoke within 20 feet of a business establishment.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Smoking is a dirty habit

This will be a blog showcasing some of Boone County's (and especially Columbia's) finest citizens smoking where they are not supposed to. I am going to take my tiny digital camera with me wherever I go and if I see someone smoking where they are not supposed to, their picture will get posted here. If you would like to be a part of the team, feel free to shoot me an email. This will be a clean site, so no cursing please. I want this to be kid friendly so maybe it can be used to educate them on the dangers of smoking and how unattractive it really is.
